
12 May 2013

5 Awesome Facts About My Moms

Being an old married lady, I am blessed with two mothers, as well as several other amazing maternal figures in my life. 

I am one lucky gal.

So in honor of Mother's Day, here are two lists of 5 Awesome Things about my mom and my mother-in-law. I know five seems short but these lists could go on and on and on, and we all have shit to do!

My Mom (Bev)

  1. She's an incredible pianist and sight-reader (sight-reading is when you're given a piece of music for the first time and must play through it). Numerous times I've been on the phone with Mom and she's told me that she needs to look at some concert music. "When's the concert?" I'll ask. "Tonight," she replies.
  2. Hours long phone conversations about nothing. At the moment our record is 4+ hours but that's only because she went to Hawaii for a week and I needed all the deets. Most of the time we end up on topics far different from the original purpose of the call: "Mom, how do you boil eggs again?" Three hours later.... "and that's why I don't like Gwyneth Paltrow."
  3. Mom is the Champion of Blurt. Blurt is a fun team board game where definitions are read from a card and the first person to blurt out the correct word belonging to it wins. In others words, definitions are read from a card and Mom wins.
  4. Unmatched organization skills. My mom is booked a year or two in advance for playing gigs, she has a busy social life, works almost seven days a week during the school year, and makes time to visit me... and hang out with my brothers too, but I'm still the most important person ever. The house I grew up in was not only spotless but everything-- EVERYTHING-- had (and still has) its place. Yet she's not psycho about it. Plus she keeps a notebook with notes from every party she's ever thrown-- and that's a ton. Finally, if you're a friend of my mom, she's got your birthday and anniversary in her address book (which is solely written in pencil so when people move she can easily update it which she does promptly).
  5. There's no one more willing to help or up for an adventure (schedule permitting of course). When I lived in Appleton, my mom and I visited so many attractions in the area, she's always going on excursions with friends and family to Chicago. My mom just loves to do stuff, explore, look at model homes, or go apartment hunting... with my cousin and aunt... in Ohio... because why not? Mom is beautiful inside and out with a sunny spirit that's ready for adventure and loves her children and their spouses unconditionally.
Love you Mom!
Mom and me making "sexy faces" on my wedding trolley. 2007

She got sunglasses like mine during her last LA visit.

My Mother-in-Law (Sema)

This list was co-written by me and my husband.

  1. Sema has a skill for quoting movies. And apparently it's a genetic trait since Michael is the same way. She'll quote from films like Bridesmaids, The Hangover, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, The Other Guys,  etc. You could say watching movies is a favorite family past time. We always end up laughing.
  2. After raising five children-- well almost, the youngest two are 11 & 12-- she's pursuing a career as an aesthetician (say that 5x fast!) and even has a job already before officially graduating. Oh and she's top of her class. A beautiful example of "it's never too late," not to mention the interesting conversations about bikini waxing.......
  3. She has amazing taste in music and is a fervent concert goer. If you want to know if a band is good in concert, chances are Sema's seen them. More than once. And the amount of concert tees..... Favorite bands include Radiohead, Muse, Hot Chip, The Flaming Lips, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Red Hot Chili Peppers, U2-- see what I mean? And she loves to dance!
  4. Her skills in the kitchen are legendary. I've never had a bad meal from this woman. Sema makes up recipes... she makes.them.up. And they're good every time. How do people do that? Plus she's always evolving and improving recipes she finds. It's an incredible skill, one of which I'm totally jealous. Many wonderful family memories were made around their dinner table eating awesome food, chatting, and laughing.
  5. She's a closeted Nerd. I think she's on Book Five of The Game of Thrones series whose TV show is taking the world by storm. Not only does this mean Sema can read, but she can read a lot. While Sema travels, goes to concerts, visits friends, and keeps up with her kids' social schedule, she also loves curling up with a book or movie and having an adventure at home. She's a beautiful, fun, down to earth woman that cares deeply for her family and friends. 
Love you, Sema! (and sorry about the older pics-- we need to take current ones!)
My In-Laws at the U2 360 Tour concert at Soldier Field. 2008

Sema and Michael at our bridal shower in 2007.

Happy Mother's Day to every mom, fur baby mom, and women who have a maternal influence on others! Our maternal side is one of the best parts about being a woman!


  1. A very sweet post about the mothers in your life :) I'm really impressed your mom can sight read, that's something I wish I could do. I took piano when I was younger and did the Suzuki method - learned by ear and well, lets just say I can hardly play a note now! Good for your mom!

    1. Thanks! My mom is crazy talented and played almost her entire Christmas season this past year with a cast on her wrist! I hope you had a great Mother's Day (if it was Mother's Day in Canada, that is)
