
26 April 2013

The Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Challenge 2013

I was working up to writing a review of the latest JAFF book I finished (if you couldn't tell by my previous post, I haven't been in the mood to do much of anything let alone write) when I spotted my girl Candy's post about the Los Angeles Festival of Books over at her review blog So Little Time... 
Scrolling down her page, I spotted the graphic you see above and thought I'd finally found a blog challenge perfect for me. And I already had one book down!

Not to mention the Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Challenge hosted by Austenprose would be a great way to learn more about JAFF, meet new bloggers & authors, and get me reading, watching, and writing more Jane Austen related material (not that I don't already do that half the year).

Plus it's even more of a challenge since I'm four months late to the party!!!!

So now it's time to list the books and films I'll be reviewing in the coming months. I'm going for aficionado status because that's actually pretty normal for me. Here are my 12 selections:

The Unexpected Miss Bennett by Patrice Sarath

Pride and Prescience: Or, A Truth Universally Acknowledged by Carrie Bebris

The Second Mrs. Darcy by Elizabeth Aston
Reflections by Linda Gonschior

Echoes of Pemberley by Cynthia Ingram Hensley 

Georgiana Darcy's Diary by Anna Elliott
Pemberley to Waterloo: Georgiana Darcy's Diary Volume 2 by Anna Elliott

Becoming Elizabeth Darcy by Mary Lydon Simonsen

The Phantom of Pemberley by Regina Jeffers

His Good Opinion: A Mr. Darcy Novel by Nancy Kelley

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice BBC miniseries 1995

Are you excited?!?! I am.

If you're interested in participating in this challenge... you totally can! Blog or no blog, go to the post about this challenge that I linked above and follow the instructions. Let me know too so we can chat about our books!


  1. I love your list! Some of those I haven't read, so I'm looking forward to your thoughts! Happy reading and watching (don't you love that movies are included?!)

    1. I do since I've seen them all several times!!! In an ironic turn of events, I only have one film because there are so many books to read! I wanted to make my list even longer!!

  2. That is such an amazing challenge idea! If I even remotely thought I could find the time to do this, I would be all over it but since I don't I'm totally going to live vicariously through you!

    Miss you friend!
    Xo Lori

  3. I enjoyed reading your review of The Unexpected Miss Bennett above and must say the other titles sound fun too! Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I'm excited to read more movie reviews from you as well!

  4. This is awesome. I need to do it. Thanks for the info!

    1. Please do! I love that it's a little something to give me a goal to read and write more :)
