
03 December 2012

The Best Moments in Holiday Films

Oh my gosh guys, it's freakin' DECEMBER! Christmas Season! Holiday Season, actually, and a time to eat, drink, and be merry with loved ones!!! (I'm excited if you couldn't tell...)

At this very moment, I'm taking a break from decorating the apartment to share my Top 3 Favorite Moments in Holiday Films. I know I know, it's short, but I've been on a weird schedule lately so I'm catching up. BUT YOU WILL LOVE THESE CLIPS BECAUSE IT'S CHRISTMASTIME AND YOU HAVE TO BE HAPPY.

And rest assured, I will be posting decor pics some time this week :)

First up, a little known film titled "Love Actually." While the scene with Keira Knightley and Andrew Lincoln is utterly romantic.... it's not my favorite. It's almost impossible to pick from the likes of Colin's trip to America, Hugh Grant dancing in the Prime Minister's mansion, and Jamie chasing after Aurelia, but I had to feature Bill Nighy who, IMHO, is Britain's Christopher Walken, and the wonderfully Scottish Gregor Fisher. This speech is just so awkward and funny and sweet and honest that it's definitely my favorite. Enjoy.

"White Christmas" is a classic with many great moments and performances, but as Danny Kaye is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE (yes, he deserves all caps), and pairing him with Bing is GENIUS, this next clip features them doing the ever-catchy "Sisters" number in drag (or as "drag" as they could get in 1954). I love that the laughter is 100% genuine.
As someone in the YouTube comments wrote" Danny Kaye. The only man who could make Bing Crosby laugh like that."

And finally-- and yes, I realize there are many Christmas movies with TONS of great moments-- our last clip is from Disney's Holiday Special "Prep & Landing." Have you seen this?!?! Hysterical, inventive, charming, funny-- A MUST for every holiday. They came out with "Prep & Landing: Naughty vs Nice" but the first one is still the best.

In this scene, the elves are preparing Santa for take off on his annual Christmas Eve jaunt around the globe. I love the holiday terms used as flight terminology, the detail in the scenes, and how the elves "rev the engine."

10 points if you can tell me where they got the name "Rosebud" for the sleigh.

What's a memorable moment in your favorite Christmas movie? Have you seen any of these films? Do you love the holidays?!


  1. Love Actually is my favourite and one of the perfect Christmas films ever made :)

  2. Love Actually is one of the greatest Christmas Movies ever.

    I know I will get in big trouble for this one: Bad Santa (I only included the trailer to keep it clean)

    1. I've never seen the movie but I remember when it came out and how many people loved it. Not sure if I'd like it though since I'm all bubbly about Christmas hahaha!!

  3. Don't judge me I've only seen white christmas and I actually only just saw it for the first time last year...annnnd I adore it.

    1. Oh my-- you have catching up to do! Please please please watch Love Actually. There's nothing better at Christmastime. Prep & Landing is fairly new so it's okay :D I'm going to provide a list of films to watch during the holidays.
