
06 March 2012

Revenge of the Nerds

Anyone else notice the growing trend of "uncool" becoming "cool" throughout the masses? Suddenly, waiting in line for the midnight release of Harry Potter (or Twilight if you're into that kind of thing) is not only something you admit to your friends, but also something you do with them... and in costume (also referred to as "cosplay" on the anime/ComicCon circuit).  Video games are no longer solitarily played in your parents' basement with a six pack of Mountain Dew & bag of Cheetos, they're done upstairs... in the living room... with OTHER PEOPLE! Spending time socializing on the computer isn't sad-- it's how you plan your Saturday nights-- and glasses are a fashion statement, not a fashion misstep.

However, the biggest change-- pun intended-- I've noticed (because it affects me directly) is the acceptance of curves, the realization that many women are above a size 4/6, beautiful, proud, and ATTRACTIVE. The 90's were all about that flat-as-a-board, straight, gangly, skinny and almost boyish female. Then the hourglass figured, busty Victoria's Secret models moved women forward into the beginning of the 21st century. And now... curves are rockin' the socks off the fashion industry, Hollywood, and the rest of us.  To clarify, I'm referring to voluptuous, not fat. I consider myself a fat Curvy Girl and am failing striving to become a thin Curvy Girl. But I'll never be a size 6 (like... I'd be near death and such if I reached that point), I'll always have thunder thighs (or "sexy dancer thighs" as my husband likes to call them), and will in general be a wider version of thin-- which is not only fine but AWESOME. I love that I'm built this way, that I'm full, with hips, a waist, and a bust... I think it makes me look softer actually. Touchable, even.  A man has something to hold on to and won't feel every bone in my body (gross).

Yet, with all this acceptance of the ammunition formerly carried around by bullies for us "nerds," we get the Posers.  The cool kids who had to have the latest clothing, the latest music, the latest everything are suddenly just as nerdy as the rest of us. Bullshit. For instance, an incredibly outgoing woman-- former prom queen-- now thinks she's an introvert. "Well her behavior could all be an act" you might say.  Is it an act that in every new place she lives she MUST find not only a church family but join as many Bible groups as possible?  Is it an act when she also joins other extracurricular activities in addition to work and church? Is it an act that she regularly socializes with coworkers outside of work? Is it an act that she's busy every weekend with social events? Is it an act that she travels regularly around the country to visit friends?  No. If you really want time to yourself, you WILL have it. That's the difference.  As an introvert made to feel "antisocial" and weird by extroverts because I like solitude as much as I enjoy the company of people, I'm insulted that an individual who needs the company of people as much as she needs air is suddenly an introvert because time spent alone reading, gaming, watching Netflix, traversing Facebook is now acceptable.

Yesterday I was on Yahoo! looking at the latest news and they had a tagline referring to Taylor Swift's "curves" in a bikini. So being me... I clicked on it.  SUCKER!  Taylor Swift's body resembles the surfboards found on the beaches of California-- being able to identify your waist and hips does NOT mean you're curvy.  The term "curvy" implies so much more: plus size, full figured, busty, larger than size 6, Marilyn Monroe, socially ostracized growing up, struggles with weight, struggles with self esteem, realizing confidence, individualism, "Real Woman Beauty."  And now the "skinny bitches" (and no, I don't think skinny women are actually bitches) are trying to take that away from us?! No. I won't stand for that crap.  It's taken me years to finally love my curves in spite of the ridicule and dateless dances... oh wait, I was an introvert so I didn't even GO (but I would've if I'd had a date), and some chick without a clue as to the pain, suffering, fighting you do when you're not the norm will never get the privilege of calling herself "curvy." I won't allow it. Okay, I can't back that up but am I alone here?  Am I the only one who finds it insulting to lose what makes me nerdy/curvy/introverted to the cool kids because they want to be part of the group?

Just be who you are.  If you're not into Harry Potter that's a-ok (though let's be honest, the Wizarding World lost its Nerd Status when it reached 450 million copies sold), if you love sports that's fantastic-- teach me! And if you love fashion and hate reading books, I will still be your friend.  Personally I have no desire to be "cool" (whatever that means other than the stereotyped high school jock or college sorority/frat peeps who spend every weekend trashed/throwing up in a parking lot), I am who I am, I like what I like, doesn't matter if it's trendy or geek-a-licious.

1 comment:

  1. HA I too saw that Taylor swift article, I literally stared at it and was like, curves, really?! This label probably comes from the same people that label Miley Cyrus as "fat"...

    beyond that I am still mulling what you said over, perhaps I'll come back and comment later?! :)
