
08 March 2012

Current Favorites: March 2012

Happy March! The month of St. Patty's Day and the Vernal Equinox!  Let's get this party started!

Kicking my faves list off with this awesome product called the "Color Bug." It's temporary, the colors are bright on blond hair, and this could be the answer to pink streaks in my hair!

Also loving my homemade chocolate chip pecan cookies-- they're my husband's favorite.  It's a tweaked recipe from my mom's chocolate chip cookies and I just recently added cinnamon into the mix! Yum!  
And of course, it was Chicago's 175th birthday a few days ago... love that favorite city :)
For the past 2 and a half weeks I've been OBSESSED with "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning," a brand new fantasy RPG based on the writings of R.A. Salvatore.  It's a complete blast!
Are these screen shots not sweet?!

Another favorite thing is planning our weekly menu around recipes I find on Pinterest.  I haven't made any of the ones below YET, but they're on my list...
(Recipes clockwise from top left: Apple Nachos, Greek Pasta Salad, Pesto Chicken stuffed shells, and Bailey's Irish Cream cookies)

Taking a complete 180 from the cooking angle is motivation and optimism for the new "Me" to come.

Date Night <3

And finally... HUMOR.


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