
13 February 2012

Catching Up, Jan to Feb 2012

Because you can't live without my A-mazing blogs, I'm positive you've been missing my witty writing and uber interesting topics of all shapes and sizes.  This is a summary of all the amazing things I've been doing the past month.

First, my husband's friend Erin took us to downtown LA where we wandered through Little Tokyo and climbed a mountain steep hill to see the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

Next, my mom came for an impromptu visit in January. Aren't we adorable?

 We went to the Getty Villa in Malibu...

 ...and pretended to be statues.

 Then we headed to Santa Monica's 3rd Street Promenade and went to the Americana where I took a sparkly light picture.

And then a week and a half ago, Michael and I got struck with a terrible flu bug that has morphed into a cold that just won't let go.  
We survived on cold medicine and soup for the first three days and were able to function when my little bro came for a visit.

John arrived last Monday and on Tuesday we drove down to Anaheim to spend 4 days in Disney. This was Michael's first time ever doing Disney. We shopped and ate at Downtown Disney, rode lots of rides, and visited Sleeping Beauty's castle. 

And of course, we met The Mouse.

John heads home tomorrow and we've got Valentine's plans at the Grand Lux for lunch. So now you're all caught up and hopefully I'll be back blogging regularly.  What have you been up to?


  1. Oh my goodness!! Can we swap lives?! I seriously feel like all I've been doing is working out, cooking, eating, counting calories...oh and i opened an etsy shop...I guess that's kind of exciting?! But seriously....jealous...I need to be at a Disney park real bad!

  2. Well if you come for a visit I can get you SoCal priced passes! Something to think about for the future.

    This is what happens when you're unemployed-- it's been fun but I should probably find a job. I should've been working out but I've been sick-- you've been busy making your life better and that's something to be damn proud of! And an etsy shop??? AMAZING!

    1. Seriously, the minute I am not beyond strapped for cash the Milanowski's are totally headed to CA! And hey, if you're sick your sick, I don't work out or anything when I'm sick...that is why I've told the universe I'm not allowed to get sick until June or until 30#s have been lost! :)
