
08 November 2011


A few weeks ago, while traversing our new mall in Glendale, hubby and I made a fateful turn into my new fave store: Lush.  I'd heard of their hand-made, all-natural products from a friend and thought: "What the hell?"  I'm always searching for great skin and hair care products.

I'm hooked.

This is a company all about organic, natural, environmentally friendly, economically helpful products, and there's no testing on animals.  Plus they give samples.  FREE SAMPLES! If you want to get on my good side, give me free stuff.  Lush and I are now BFFs.
I guess a little explanation is necessary.  These are skin and hair care products, not cosmetics.  The soaps and clays are sold by weight so you can get as much or as little as you want-- which is perfect when trying new things (be bold people!).  The employees know their stuff, are nice, and will tempt  help you figure out what's great for YOU.  Being the genius readers that you are, you've  noticed I have photos and will explain the products hubby and I tried (yes, my amazing husband was excited for great skin products too-- he's awesome).  Lush isn't everywhere but they ship.

Here's everything we got in its healthy glory.  The classy clear plastic containers, as well as the tiny black ones, are for samples and cut pieces of soap.

 Up first: Angels on Bare Skin cleanser/exfoliator.
Notice how it looks like clay?  That's what some of their stuff is like. Grab a little piece and add water to get the consistency you like then clean your face.  This particular cleanser is great for oily skin. And I have to say, our skin has never looked better! (don't you love the seeds?) 

On to moisturizers!
Imperialis, Skin Shangri La (spelling? who cares), and Fair Trade Foot Lotion.  These are all very nice, especially the foot lotion because it's instantly soothing AND can be used on other parts of the body. Even though I was assured the other 2 face moisturizers have no oil and are perfect for oily skin, they still made my face greasy.  I feel lied to!  Thus I'm still on the hunt for a perfect moisturizer, but they have tons of different kinds so try a few for yourself.

Ocean Salt Scrub
OMG I love this stuff so much!  Obviously it's for exfoliating and scrubbing away dead skin cells all over that sexy body of yours (but only use 3 times a week on your face).  It's got salt, lemon, lime... and VODKA!  Warning: do not attempt to eat/drink.  Since it smells like a cocktail, taking a shower is way more fun!

Charity Pot Lotion
Unlike the moisturizers, this is not greasy and very pleasant on the skin. Highly recommend.

All materials to make the lotion are donated and Lush pays for the packaging.  The pot is $21 (as you can see you get a ton) and ALL (that's right, every last penny) proceeds go to the charity named on the lid.  As Lush donates to multiple charities, you can choose the one closest to your heart.  I chose the equine rescue in honor of my aunt's efforts to rescue and raise horses.  Plus I love furry animals.

So how do you know this stuff is legit?  Because they stick the face of the one who made it on every container along with his/her name, that's how.  Reggie made my Ocean Salt scrub-- thanks Reg!-- but he's not allowed to look at me in the shower.  That shit's private.

And finally the AMAZE-balls hair products that I will forever use...
I have fine, natural blond hair with no volume; as such, I am forever changing volumizing shampoos that never seem to do what they're supposed to.  Until now.
I use what we in the "Lush Club" (told you we were BFFs) call the Big Daddy combo. In the shower I blend some Daddy-O shampoo for blonds with Big salt shampoo for flat hair and scrub away.  My hair has never been blonder, softer, or looked better in my life.  Enjoy the photos.

It's violet (remember on that primary school color wheel that purple and yellow are compliments?!  Me either but it's true).

Big shampoo on the left.  On the right we have the Marilyn moisturizing hair treatment for blonds made to enrich color and aptly named after one Marilyn Monroe.

Here's the result!  I realize if you've never seen me before you have nothing to compare my hair to, but you have to admit my non-dyed locks look pretty spectacular (humbly speaking of course).

It's me! (I just threw this in for good measure)

The moral of my story is to give Lush a try if you're in the market for a change in beauty regime.  Great company, great products, great YOU!


  1. Is Lush not the greatest place ever?! I found them about 2 years ago and I've been HOOOKED ever since! The ocean scrub is hands down my fave (but spendy and I run through it waaaaaay to quickly since it's that good!)...I almost exclusively use their solid shampoo bars (since they are perfect for throwing in my gym bag) and I pretty much use their mint julep lip scrub daily. I highly recommend trying their moisture bars for your face-I can't remember the exact name but it's got serum in it. I really haven't found a product of theirs I don't like except for their solid deodorant. Gave me a rash like no other. Awful. But again, they gave me free samples so I couldn't stay mad! I'm glad you are part of club lush now as well! Keep posting about what you try...They are always coming out with fun new stuff-oh and try their ice wine shower jelly...and a bath bomb or two-they are phenomenal!

  2. You look great! I want that blond hair product stuff! I've been feeling like my hair is so blah and either needs highlights or some product power!

    All this stuff looks great and makes me want to go shopping! Damn you! Sounds like you guys are discovering a lot of cool stuff and having fun.

  3. I just made my Christmas list, Lori, and now I have to change it! Thanks a lot ;) You've got me wanting the facial moisture bars and I want to try their shower gel! I heard it actually makes your skin smell and feel good (unlike those from a certain Bath & Body company who shall remain nameless).

    Yeah, I had the same issue with my hair color-- the blond darkens as you age and begins to resemble the color of dishwater. Bleck. I got highlights for the first time ever a year and a half ago.. they looked okay despite the skunk hair comments from my mother, but then they grew out and it's too expensive to maintain. These Lush products restored my color magnificently! And I don't even use the Marilyn treatment that often so you could get away with using only the Daddy-O shampoo if you like.

    Lush also has conditioners-- but I'm happy with my Sexy Hair Leave-In Soy one-- and styling products which I would like to try as well. There's a Lush in Chicago if you want to try something...
