
24 August 2010

Kick Ass and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Though the above post mentions some of this summer's hottest movies, none of which live up to their hype, these two films exceed expectations-- but only if you like that sort of thing. Cult films can be hit or miss depending on the subject matter, imagery, and audience taste--I dig them.

First up: "Kick-Ass"

Although the theatrical release of "Kick-Ass" happened months ago, the DVD just came out to a video rental store near you, and if you like colorful, violent, and twisted films this one is perfect. The film has been adapted by Brits (that's right folks, it's a foreign film also) from a comic book sharing the same title, is just as violent, super fun, and disturbing. What do I mean by 'disturbing?' See that purple haired hero in the above picture? She is a 13 year old assassin that does nasty things with knives. No joke. A good portion of the combat reminds me of anime. However, "Kick-Ass' is ridiculous, darkly humored, and one of the more original stories out there. Totally worth a rental.

Next up: "Scott Pilgrim vs The World"

After seeing "Inception," my husband and I never thought we'd come across another summer film so entertaining and interesting it deserved a repeat viewing... until we saw "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World." Another comic book adaptation, SPVTW is far less violent and twisted than "Kick-Ass." Instead, it's hilarious as Scott must battle the seven evil ex's (with super powers) of the woman he hopes to date. The world is completely fictional yet all the characters believe in this reality so as an audience member you join right in. Did I mention the music is fantastic? And the jokes? We laughed out loud several times and can't wait to go back. Unfortunately SPVTW will most likely be underrated until it's available for rent since going to the movies is expensive-- most people will have their doubts about spending the money. But I promise you it's awesome and you will LOVE IT!

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